More About the Author "reva2010"

Author Nick: reva2010
Name: Raj Samala
About the Author: Offers software development, content management software, e commerce website development, intranet solution including web content management software, CMS software, content management solution, web development services, SEO services by Revalsys Technologies, Hyderabad, India.

Articles by reva2010 :

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Software Development, Content Management Software, E-Commerce Website Development, Intranet Solution

Also known as application development, software development is the process of developing a software product in a planned and structured process that can be used for both commercial and personal purposes. The softwares are generally used either to meet the needs of a specific client or business or to meet a perceived need of some […]

Website Development, Content Management System, .NET Software Development

Content Management System Nowadays, several types of new software and technology enabled services have been developed in order to provide solutions for various types of business needs such as design, development, maintenance, hosting etc. The basic purpose of these innovative products is to enable non-technical people to get familiar and utilize the recent technology in […]