More About the Author "rhodiolaroseaanxiety"
Author Nick: rhodiolaroseaanxiety
Name: Rhodiola Rosea
About the Author: Rhodiola Rosea is known as golden root, rose root, or artic root and is a medicinal plant indigenous to Siberia that thrives in dry and cold arctic climates.
Articles by rhodiolaroseaanxiety :
09.23.11 | Comments Off on Ashwaganda for Anxiety
Ashwagandha, also known as Indian Winter Cherry, or scientifically as Withania somnifera has been used by any ancient people for healing the body of imbalance and disorder. It is well known in Ayurvedic medicine as a holistic herbal remedy, which assists total body health and well-being. This magical herbal extract is strong and influences the […]
09.12.11 | Comments Off on Catnip For Anxiety
Catnip is a plant that is beneficial to many species of life, and has been around for as long as historians can remember. This magical herb is mostly known as a stimulant for cats; when they eat it, or nip at it, it excites their senses and even gives them a rush of energy, which […]
09.06.11 | Comments Off on Meadowsweet For Anxiety
Anxiety is a form of stress that accompanies the mind and body when there is a chemical imbalance in the brain and can be triggered by many different factors in day to day life. It can cause inflammation of certain body parts and nerves, and is capable of causing physical pain. It is common for […]
08.06.11 | Comments Off on Lemon Balm for Anxiety
Lemon Balm is a plant that is native to Europe, but can grow anywhere in the world. It is part of the mint family, and has known medicinal properties relating to the nervous system and assists those that suffer from anxiety and related psychological imbalances. It is also known as Melissa officinalis, and has been […]
08.01.11 | Comments Off on Skullcap for Anxiety
If you are looking for a natural ingredient to dissolve your existing health conditions that effects your nervous system and anxiety levels, you are searching in the right direction. Researchers have discovered a highly potent herbal extract that has been used for several thousand years by different cultures around the world. The medicinal properties of […]