More About the Author "richrowson"

Author Nick: richrowson
Name: Richard Rowson
About the Author: A writer, blogger and all round internet artist with a passion for writing! Oh and of course music!

Articles by richrowson :

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How To Gain Confidence In Yourself

Do you need to gain more confidence in yourself? The best foundation to your confidence is to have an honest and full knowledge of what your strengths are. Since we were all children, we were taught that we shouldn’t be proud of what we have done because we need to be humble and modest. I’m […]

How to Tune a Violin Easily

If you want to know how to tune a violin it can seem like a very difficult task, especially if you are not musical or have only just started playing the violin and your ears have not developed into those of an experienced musician yet. There are several different ways you can tune a violin, […]

Why Violin Lessons Online Are Growing in Popularity

Violin lessons online are becoming an incredibly popular way to learn the instrument. This method has only been around for a short period of time and even just a few years ago it was impossible to learn the violin in this way. The instrument has always been popular, having a wide range of repertoire and […]

Online Lessons on Playing the Violin

If you are looking for lessons on playing the violin then perhaps the online method is a great solution for you. In this article I will explain the benefits of this learning method and how the convenience and cost are benefiting thousands of people worldwide. Up until around five years ago taking violin lessons online […]

Instant Free Online Violin Lessons

If you are looking for free online violin lessons it shouldn’t take you long to find some fantastic resources. With the explosion of learning online there are endless possibilities to learn, enjoy and master pretty much any subject you can think of including the violin. If you wish you can hunt around the Internet to […]