More About the Author "richrowson"

Author Nick: richrowson
Name: Richard Rowson
About the Author: A writer, blogger and all round internet artist with a passion for writing! Oh and of course music!

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The Biggest Mistake with Adult Violin Lessons Online

There are many adults worldwide searching for violin lessons online or offline. Learning to play any instrument later in life is a very challenging and exciting time. However there is one common mistake that many adults make during the learning curve. If you can avoid this you will progress much quicker. The major error I […]

How Hard is it to Learn the Violin?

Many people around the world are asking how hard it is to learn the violin. I suspect people ask this of a lot of different musical instruments not just the violin. But how difficult is it and what sorts of challenges will you face? Read on to discover some of the skills you will need. […]

Violin Tips For Beginners

Finding great violin tips for beginners is an essential part of your progress as you begin your journey of, shall we say, musical awakening! Finding good tips on technique, music and good practice will ensure that your progress is quick, fun and exciting. Here is my number one essential tip for beginners – develop good […]

Violin Lessons – Should You Have Two Teachers?

There are millions of people worldwide who take violin lessons and for that matter probably tens of millions of people that take some kind of musical instrument lesson on a regular basis. This brings up the never ending debate of whether or not you should have more than one teacher. I am not sure there […]

Kensington Garden Design – Stand out from the Crowd

We have done the yen garden, the rose garden, the oh-so-boring privet hedge and bedding border garden, the single cherry tree over a carpet of spring-flowering bulbs garden, the little white lights through the trees garden, and even, horrors of horrors, the gnomes’ garden. What comes next to make sure that your garden is unique […]