More About the Author "richrowson"

Author Nick: richrowson
Name: Richard Rowson
About the Author: A writer, blogger and all round internet artist with a passion for writing! Oh and of course music!

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Classic Design Interiors – Exquisite Interiors That Stand the Test of Time

There comes a time in life, where the home needs a little open heart surgery? The time is now, a classic design brings out the best of the old romance of the long past days. So forget the modern aspect of life and slip back into the days of the English empire or the American […]

Award Winning Designers – Why You Should Hire the Best for Your Home Interior

You don’t just trust your car with anyone. You have spent time finding the right mechanic to work with; it’s a build-up of trust. It is the same with designing your home interior, finding the right designer has to have the same scrutiny as finding a right doctor or mechanic. The right designer has experience […]

NLP Techniques Anyone Can Use

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is like having a manual on how you can best use your brain. We all know how to use our brains but everyone uses their brains every day without even thinking about it. This is how NLP is different from some other self-improvement methods. We use our brains without really […]

Life Coaching Helps Women Just as Much as Men

Having a life coach is something everyone should do and it helps everyone. Some people seem to believe that life coaching is for men, but women can benefit from life coaching just as much as men can. If you look around you’ll see that the very successful people have one thing in common and that […]

Negative Memories – Life Coaches Help You Detach and Move Forward

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your negative thinking and memories no longer had power over you and your life? Did you know that a life coach can help you erase those negative memories and help you move forward towards freedom? This is not too good to be true, because it is true and it can […]