More About the Author "richrowson"

Author Nick: richrowson
Name: Richard Rowson
About the Author: A writer, blogger and all round internet artist with a passion for writing! Oh and of course music!

Articles by richrowson :

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Shin Splints Explained and Good Shin Splints Treatments

Shin splints are a term used to describe the painful condition associated with the tibia. The tibia is the length of bone that runs down the front of the leg from the knee to the ankle. Problems with this bone and a thin layer of tissue that covers the bone can be very painful. The […]

Can Anyone Learn to Play With Violin Lessons?

Many people dabble with the idea of taking online violin lessons; they research, check out different teachers and read many different reviews. I often wonder why some people never choose to fully commit to learning an instrument. Maybe there is always some doubts that people cannot learn for one reason or another. Some people think […]

Can You Benefit From Online Violin Lessons?

Many people are looking into taking online violin lessons every day all around the world. The explosion of interactive websites has made learning online incredibly popular, but can you benefit from this online musical education? Let’s be honest, if you expect to spend a handful of dollars on a program, sit there and do nothing […]

Violin Tips For Beginners – Top Tips

Many people are searching for violin tips for beginners, which as far as I’m concerned is great news. After all this means more people being involved with music and more people learning an instrument from scratch. The violin is an incredible instrument, with a huge amount of repertoire that promises fun, entertainment and education. But […]

Online Violin Lessons For Beginners – A Suitable Place to Start?

Many people are looking into online violin lessons for beginners since the explosion of these types of educational websites in the last couple of years. But as a beginner or a ‘newbie’ to this instrument, is it a suitable place to begin your educational journey? Will you learn everything you need to know or will […]