More About the Author "richrowson"

Author Nick: richrowson
Name: Richard Rowson
About the Author: A writer, blogger and all round internet artist with a passion for writing! Oh and of course music!

Articles by richrowson :

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Violin Lessons For Complete Beginners

Now more than ever people are turning to the Internet to find great violin lessons for beginners. But if you are an absolute and complete beginner there are some important things you need to know when it comes to beginning your online lessons. You see the difficulty comes when a lot of violin tutors don’t […]

Keep it Fun – Violin Lessons For Kids

When it comes to learning any new skill, in particular a musical instrument, children have to have fun. So if you are looking into violin lessons for kids it is important that your teacher, website or resource is fun, exciting and will keep any child interested and mentally stimulated. There are no doubt lots of […]

Accessible Music – Online Violin Lessons

Online violin lessons are now growing in popularity and are accessed by people all over the world. The violin is one of the world’s most beautiful sounding instruments. And learning how to play it is quite an achievement for anyone. Learning the violin can be difficult without proper instruction on technique, but thanks to technology, […]

The Good Sides of Online Violin Lessons

Nowadays, the internet has achieved an immensely popular status as a preferred educational instrument. Because of this, instructional courses are now made accessible as well as affordable to the public. These online courses have become very common, covering a wide array of courses and fields, even courses in music education. And one of the more […]

On Taking Up Violin Lessons Online

If you are considering online violin lessons or piano lessons, there are things that you need to consider first. You will need to focus on some practice and regular effort. Even lessons with the world’s number one teacher will not compensate for a lack of hard work on your part. Lessons from pros can easily […]