More About the Author "richrowson"

Author Nick: richrowson
Name: Richard Rowson
About the Author: A writer, blogger and all round internet artist with a passion for writing! Oh and of course music!

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London Garden Designs – 3 top tips for the city garden

The city garden needs to be an oasis from the world outside, a haven that you can relax in.  Three starting points to get there. 1. Enclose the garden. With luck the city garden already has walls round it – they may look ugly and depressing right now, but that is going to change.  If […]

Urban Garden Design London – Some city style tips

Think in terms of adapting Japanese styles, based on relationships between plants, stones and water.  Japanese gardens are not geometric in form; they have flowing lines and are intended to be meditative. Sand and gravel are used as the surface. Choose a couple of stunning small trees to plant in the gravel. Japanese maples are […]

Urban Garden Design UK – What’s working in the UK?

Gardens in London are increasingly extensions of the living space outdoors. D.I.Y. decks and patios are now commonplace in suburban gardens together with the ubiquitous barbecue. Few of these gardens, however, are the restful oases of calm that they should be. The move to a more outdoors style of living and dining has not been […]

Benefits of a Life Coach

What is a life coach? A life coach is likened to any coach in any field of sports, be it basketball, tennis, baseball, football and the like. But this time, this type of coach is more focused on life issues, goals, challenges and direction. The benefits of a life coach is more vast than you […]

Benefits of Life Coaching

Are you at a stage in your life now, where you don’t know what to do? Don’t know what you really want? Confused? Then you might just need a life coach to be more efficient and effective in what you are doing and resolve some impending crisis in your life right now. Life coaching is […]