More About the Author "richrowson"

Author Nick: richrowson
Name: Richard Rowson
About the Author: A writer, blogger and all round internet artist with a passion for writing! Oh and of course music!

Articles by richrowson :

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Do Women Have A Midlife Crisis?

Do women have a midlife crisis? Okay if I’m going to get straight to the point I think the answer has to be yes. Of course it’s different to the male form of a midlife crisis or certainly what we perceive it to be, for example I don’t think you will see many women in […]

In Your 40s and Still Single?

What? You’re in your 40s and you’re still single? What could possibly be wrong with you? Why haven’t you found someone? Are you impossible to live with? Can nobody stand your company? Are you a social outcast? The questions, the comments, the pressure from society and the pressure from yourself goes on and on. But […]

Losing Confidence As I Get Older

To be quite honest it doesn’t matter if you are male or female, getting older can sometimes cause you to lose your confidence. But why does this happen, are you alone and is there anything you can do about it? Firstly, you are certainly not alone. Of course there are many people who have fantastic […]

Confidence Over 40

Mid life crisis, over the hill, past it, we have all heard them right? Phrases and sayings like this seem to be 10 a penny and you only have to spend five minutes watching or reading any type of modern-day media to be sucked into the trap that if you’re not 25, married, successful and […]

Small Contemporary Garden Design Ideas

Putting up a contemporary garden, no matter how small it is, can surely be challenging task for anybody who gives it a shot. That is why planning everything you need to do and what materials you should to buy is essential. Planning can surely help you to make the task a little less stressful. Below […]