More About the Author "rickmueller91"

Author Nick: rickmueller91
Name: Rick Mueller
About the Author: Rick Mueller is a San Diego DUI Lawyer who has been practicing DUI law since 1983. He received his Juris Doctor degree from Chicago Kent College of Law and is also a licensed attorney in Illinois.

Articles by rickmueller91 :

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Warrantless Arrests

Criminal evidence cannot be used against a person arrested for DUI without a warrant unless the State of California properly justifies the arrest – the decision to stop an automobile without a warrant is reasonable where the police have Probable Cause to believe a traffic violation has occurred. Arrests in most criminal cases, including DUI, […]

How to Avoid Substances & Medications Causing “False Positives” From Creating Employment Problem Issues

False positive drug test results is a major problem. Why? Folks can lose their jobs or not get a job because certain substances or medications lead the analyst to conclude the subject has tested positive for something that he or she did not actually have in his or her system. A study of 161 prescription […]

Four-Headed DUI Monster Stunned by Latest Round of Decisions pursued by California DUI Attorneys

If arrested for a DUI, you know the odds are stacked up against you as these are very difficult cases for a citizen’s lawyer to prevail on. In recent years, the trend has been for the legislature and the courts to take tough stands on Drunk Driving. The lengths at which MADD will go knows […]

What You Need to Know Before Hiring a California DUI Lawyer

Everybody seems to have an idea or opinion about a lawyer or DUI in California. The question is, how do you know these people really have good ideas you can trust? California has hundreds of DUI lawyers & DMV attorneys. It can be complicated and even tiring when researching lawyers. However, there are things you […]