More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Managing Growth and Costs with Efficient HPC Computing Solutions

Most manufacturing companies these days are trying hard to strike a balance between costs and maintain their competitive edge. And high-Performance Computing (HPC) is one of the most interesting developments in the information technology (IT) industry. With business transactions become more complex, HPC is being utilized in the areas of data storage, transaction processing, and […]

Innovative Healthcare Benefits for Employees

It is known facts that healthy and stable employees are synonymous to happier work force resulting in a productive workplace. Therefore it is essential to invest in the apt insurance plans and benefit schemes for your employees to that you are able to reap the long term rewards. The major benefits of employee health plans […]

Leveraging HR Performance with Professional Consultants

Your employees are valuable human capital assets that contribute significantly towards the progress and development of your business. You need proficient and dedicated staff that can help steer your business towards profitable goals. Hence it is extremely necessary to select candidates with precision and deliberation. The hiring of incapable and inefficient candidates means wastage of […]

Machine translation: The Missing Links in Global Communication

Globalization of the business environment sounds like a very profitable venture. However for the organizations, this is a multifaceted challenge. Besides managing the widespread business across various nations, the top management also needs to handle a multicultural and multilingual workforce as well as their customers. Being communicative on a global level helps organizations get local […]

A Gracious Business Environment with Anti-Phishing Protection

There has been a lot of hue and cry about the online attacks on mission critical IT processes and applications. Many businesses have been razed permanently due to lack of ineffective security policies. Nowadays almost every business has adopted compliance strategies that ensure a highly secured environment. But what happens when the cyber criminals attack […]