More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Constructive Progress in Business with Consistent and Reliable

Incomplete or inaccurate information can ruin your business. The internet is flooded with endless options for marketing purposes and you need an efficient tool that can help integrate data from multiple sources and provide a consolidated view of your marketing performance.  The social media platform provides lucrative advertising opportunities.  However if you are incapable of […]

Electrical Estimating Software: A boon to the New Age Electricians

A brick-and-wall shop, a data center, a small and medium business enterprise, a manufacturing or production unit or a large corporate sector, are all depend on electricians, construction managers and engineers to determine the amount and cost of electricity required for a specific location or process. These estimations need to be accurate and are carried […]

Keep a Tab on Social Media with Media Analysis Tools

Your company, products, brand and services are being constantly talked about in the social media sphere. The digital ecosystem today is beyond individual control and grip. Social media behavior can be anticipated but not all together predicted. Does it make any sense to you that there are numerous conversations taking place in advanced exponential multiples, […]

Cisco Transceivers for Best Quality Signals

Being compact optical transceiver, the SFP or  small form-factor encloseable (SFP) is apt to be used in optical communications for both telecommunication and data communications applications. The SFP is a very popular format that’s endorsed by several fiber optic component companies and is the main interface between a network device mother board and a network […]

Electronic Discovery Services: Technology Integrated Investigation

The technological innovation has brought about changes in the way business houses and corporate sectors store information. Globalization and expanded work sphere, demands the organizations to maintain vast amount of data and information with easy access options. Thus organizations irrespective of it being a large corporate or a small and medium business enterprise tend to […]