More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Accomplishing Success in Foreign Territories with Online Language Translation Tools

The boost that businesses have experienced with the help of the internet has been phenomenal. Every commercial entity is taking advantage of the virtual sphere to reach out to audiences far and wide easily and inexpensively. Though there has been a tremendous growth in business relations between different geographical locations many have also encountered numerous […]

Adopt the Best Phishing Awareness Training Program Today

The crucial threat that have generated from the internet boom and technological advancement today is social engineering. One such threat is known as phishing and can be referred to as a criminal or vicious strategy by third party intruders or hackers. They work towards creating a technical deception in terms of a faulty website or […]

Faster and Cheaper Engineering Services Outsourcing and Offshoring Solutions

The two terms offshoring and outsourcing are used interchangeably in the business world. However, contrary to common perception these two terms are not at all synonyms. They might be similar in concept but they differ in technicalities. Offshoring and outsourcing both deal with the concept of getting work done by specialists. In outsourcing, the work […]

Tips for Natural Back Pain Relief

Back pain is an ailment that affects people of all ages. After cold, it is the most common reason for the visits to the doctor. The causes of back pain range from sprains, fractures, accidents, falls, diseases, medical conditions, infections, to tumors. It is the most dreaded ailment as it can even make normal daily […]

Supply Chain Solutions: Satisfying The Global Customer

The globalized business world has its own share of benefits and challenges too. One of the main challenges of being widely spread across geographical boundaries is reaching out to customers and employees with the products and services. In other words maintaining a good supply chain. To launch a new product into the market needs, not […]