More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Harnessing the Potentials of Social Media for Business

If you manage an online business, you must take advantage of the social media platforms that have emerged as a prominent source of both marketing and, more recently, e-commerce benefits. The popularity of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have transcended all language and geographical borders and provided the cheapest and quickest means of […]

Advanced Anti-Phishing Software to Alleviate Social Engineering Attacks

Have you come across mailers or websites that ask you for personal details or lead you to tricky links and web pages as you browse? If yes, then you are not the only one. The same has taken place with millions across the world, both in the professional as well as the personal sphere. This […]

Maintaining the Health of Business with Anti-Phishing Solutions

Phishing is a dreaded online security threat that can cripple anyone financially. Many businesses have become victims of these malicious attacks unknowingly and suffered enormously. It is very easy to become a phishing prey as the activity is conducted in a very unobtrusive manner without raising any suspicions. A very innocent mail sent from a […]

Common Causes of Back Pain

Today back pain is an ailment that most people suffer from. A few years back, back pain was very rare but now it is as common as the common cold. There won’t be a single person who hasn’t felt pain on the neck, upper back, lower back or tailbone. Moreover, pain differs from people to […]

Solutions for Resolving the Concerns of Electrical and Plumbing Distributors

Building job submittals for customers is a time consuming procedure for the electrical distributor as finding the product information or pricing list from vast manufacturers’ catalogs is an overwhelming and frustrating task. Sometimes the information has to be sourced from printed copies that are no longer in use. Finding the relevant pricing and product details […]