More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Leverage Your Social Presence with Facebook Analytics

Social networking has taken on a completely new paradigm shift. So much so that the leading brands too are foraying into the social media sphere for their promotions, image management, extensive customer reach, communication and other online activities.  Facebook as a social networking portal has gained significant popularity amongst individuals as well as enterprises. Purpose-built […]

Restore your Business with Anti-Counterfeiting Solutions

The theft of intellectual property and a flourishing market for counterfeit goods has become an accepted fact in the business environment. The undaunted existence of the counterfeit market has become a stubborn problem and affects the revenues of genuine companies and tarnishing their well-earned reputation. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the badly affected industries […]

Understanding the Factors that Affect Global Compensation and Benefits

To level the field with multiple country responsibilities, most of the countries with global operations tend to keep up with the global compensation structure. Compensation provides the point at which organizational and individual priorities and goals meet, making it the motivating influence for effectively attracting needed human talent, retaining that talent and encouraging the talent […]

Make the Most of Advanced Datacenter Solutions Offered by OEM Manufacturers

When it is about data center, the crucial factor is its application fluency. Today organizations are often witnessed by difficult IT infrastructures and increasing energy expenses. This is why most organizations have decided to get their data center architecture under control. This is the reason why most organizations have been taking initiatives to invest in […]

Benefits of the Innovative Cisco GBIC Transceivers

Simply put, a transceiver is a mix of a transmitter and receiver in a single package. This term is generally applied to wireless communication devices, for instance the cellular telephones, cordless telephone sets, mobile two-way radios and the like. At the same time, there are instances when the term refers to a receiver and transmitter […]