More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Monetize Assets with Reverse Logistics

Until recently, the forward supply chain was considered as the perfect value generating system. However, today more and more companies and organizations all over the world are slowly waking up to the significance of closed loop supply chains. Forward Supply Chain, Reverse Supply Chain and Closed Loop Supply Chain In a forward supply chain customer […]

Hearing Loss Prevention with Noise Cancelling Earplugs

Sound pollution has been rising with the increased pace of industrialization. Heavy noise leads to numerous aliments of the nerve and can give rise to acute headache, nausea and most dangerous of all, it can lead to hearing loss permanently. The most affected industrial sectors are mining, aircraft, underground construction, metallurgy, and many others. Hence, […]

Evaluation Programs to Influence Customer Buying Decision

The world today is a customer-centric world with the customers having the power to make or break a product. They can move products from the most favored list to the least favored one very easily. Hence, it is highly necessary for businesses to ensure that its customers are happy and satisfied with their products. When […]

A Magnetic Image Buildup in Cosmetics Business

The association of humans with beauty enhancing factors is known to be centuries old. Efforts were made for transforming individuals to make them look more attractive. The practice is still prevalent with greater emphasis on the external appearances. Cosmetics have always been the instrument that has changed ordinary looks, and is the most revered essential […]

Protect Your Brand Name through Trademark Protection

A trademark refers to any name, word, design, symbol or any other combination used in business, trade and commerce to distinguish goods and products of a selected manufacturer. Simply put, trademark means the brand name. This is what gives a particular company or business its identity and relates to its brand equity. As a result, […]