More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Online Meeting Software for Enhancing Knowledge Sharing Process

The traditional pattern of hosting business meetings and training employees within the confines of a room are no longer valid. Nowadays any communication has to be conducted on a large scale as there are several people involved such as partners, stakeholders, suppliers, customers, employees etc. Hosting conferences and seminars in small batches is impractical and […]

Supply Chain Integration- A Strong Business Network

Globalization has not only revolutionized the economic condition of the world, but has also added a few risks to the business process. With globalization came in the concept of using the low cost regions for manufacturing but the risks in this process comes from lack of visibility, reduced control over the manufacturing units, and an […]

Developments in the Aerospace Manufacturing Industry

Sometime back, the global economic downswing took a heavy toll on several industries, which was evident with the series of low revenues, layoffs, a general sense of uncertainty about the future and bankruptcies as well. However, the aerospace manufacturing industry seems to be doing well amidst all this throughout 2010 with high results. The Asia […]

Relief from Back Pain with the Right Product

Back pain is said among the most common medical conditions affecting nearly up to 90 percent of people at some point in their lifetime. Earlier the vanguard for old age, back pain has now become a major cause for concern for the late 20’s to 40’s age group. It is not a specific disease, rather […]

Counterfeit Detection – An Efficiency Tool for the Pharma Industry

Though it might appear easy, but counterfeit detection is not a very simple process.  For instance, let us assume the case of a laboratory analyst associated with a pharmaceutical brand, who has to spot the counterfeit in two pills. Post observing and analyzing both the samples, he chooses the real drug as a counterfeit.  The […]