More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Meaningful Use Of Social Media Analytics

When you arrive at a  social marketing strategy, you also have certain criteria to monitor it. The same applies to social media. Each section on social media is unique in its own way, and a metric that might work in one area might not for others. To make the task easy for you, we have […]

Developing Better Cyber Security for Tomorrow

With science and technology evolving at a faster pace, one of the crucial elements that need to be attended to timely is Internet and cyber security. Today, the Internet can be accessed by all and hence it is an open space for third-party intruders to engage in sophisticated security attacks that result in systematic compromises […]

Enterprise Risk Management- The Complete Solution

All enterprises, irrespective of their size of business operations compete against their rivals to stay ahead in the market. However, in the process, they tend to face many challenges that can hamper their progress.  Organizations have over their lifetime  managed risks that has a direct effect on their bottom line. However, besides the fluctuations in […]

Innovation as a Weapon in Global Competition

The global economic environment is undergoing rapid changes and has placed business houses on a competitive edge. Organizations planning for global expansions thus need to create a business that can adapt quickly and flexibly to the changing economic and cultural landscape. A key to achieving this is by incorporating innovation into decision-making process at all […]

Ideas Can Make The World A Better Place

Revolutionary thinkers and famous achievers say that it takes a small idea to change the world and make it a better place. In today’s dynamic world, this holds true. Innovation is indeed the key to success. We need ideas and out of the box thinking not only to outshine other market players but to address […]