More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Making the Best of Organizational Intelligence

For a productive and informed organization, it is essential capture, save and share collective knowledge effectively within the organization itself. As the ability to capture and share that knowledge to maintain success and growth the changing business environments depends on their people, companies can no longer look at traditional ways. Proactive steps need to be […]

How to Choose the Right Virtualization Solution for Your Business

Not all virtualization technology works the same way. As every IT environment is tremendously different and his its own unique operating patterns and technical compositions, there is never one ideal solution for every IT scene. Instead of searching for the perfect solution, it is a better to choose the right solution for a specific situation. […]

Efficient Desktop Management

What does the word virtual desktop brings to your mind? For the ones who are not aware of the concept might ponder on aspects such as an innovative software that allows you to access your desktop contents, virtually from almost anywhere. You are very near to the real application or concept. However, if this be […]

Productive Business Designs with the Virtual Workspace

With the advancing times there have been improvements in technology with better facilities and capabilities. The era of physical machines and equipments is replaced by virtual processes as it helps in reducing costs and eliminates management issues. In a traditional set up businesses had to use physical desktops for all business related functions. This was […]

Retail Fulfillment- Improved Supply Chain Solutions

Businesses today are known by their distribution capability i.e. how fast they can reach the product to the retailer or customer. One of the best ways to stay ahead in the fast-paced retail industry is to streamline the distribution system that is the vital link in any business. The extensive exposure generated by marketing commercials […]