More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Advantages of Video Based Training

Corporate learning relies mainly on Instructor Led Training (ILT) however getting such ILT to function in all the dispersed locations of a global enterprise is a tough ask not to mention tremendously expensive since developing, delivering and ensuring attendance for such ILT training sessions can be a costly affair. There are numerous other negatives as […]

Tracking the Fundamental Engagement Metrics

“Engagement” is a word that comes up a lot when discussing social media marketing and applications. Keeping a tab on the factors that drive engagement is not easy, as there is no single metric alone that indicates how engaged a person or a community is. Here are a few elements that can help guide you […]

How eDiscovery Solutions Support Early Case Assessment

The discovery and management of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) have been made mandatory by the US Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP). This has posed an immense challenge for organizations because they now have to identify, review, analyze, and produce relevant digital data from huge volumes of ESI. Since this is an extremely time-consuming and […]

Importance and Benefits of Litigation Support Software in eDiscovery

Litigation software is any kind of software that helps attorneys and legal staff in their work. It helps them organize their records and data pertaining to any trial. This kind of software mainly facilitates easy access and reference to all information. It can also speed up the process of recording and correlating immense quantities of […]

Oil and Gas Engineering Services – Utilities of Oil and Gas Engineering Services

Mulling over the overall engineering segment, oil and gas engineering services hold an integral share. Today the industry is experiencing specific regulatory changes, price volatility, technological advancements and other market fluctuations as well as alterations. In addition to that, there are new market trends and challenges that the industry has to witness and surpass in […]