More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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How Manufacturers Can Protect Their Legitimate Sales Channels

Manufacturers often struggle to control and maintain the brand integrity of their products, especially in the supply chain. The idea is to protect their legitimate sales channel from counterfeiting. Global enterprises lose hundreds of billions of dollars each year because of counterfeit and gray market activity. Counterfeiting also eats away at the job market – […]

Give a resplendent makeover to your supply chain business

Supply chain operations require a dedicated and compelling management system to ensure the smooth running of the business. You will be faced with numerous challenges that will deter you from moving ahead. A strong-willed determination against all odds and excellent practices is what will help you survive. With expanding expenses, limited resources and labor trouble […]

Improving Supply Chain Quality

Enterprises try to steer clear of any possibility of a recall since any recall means loss of revenue sometimes amounting to millions of dollars. Quality control therefore is an inherent and important aspect of any manufacturing enterprise. From employing supply chain rating systems to ensure best ways to create transparent and uncomplicated quality records to […]

Solving the Counterfeit Problem

It is an accepted fact that brand equity suffers quite adversely owing to counterfeit activities. Counterfeits can easily erode away brand, profits, and revenue. Brand counterfeiting can potentially damage any type of business. The most effective way to address this issue is for the enterprise to have an efficient anti-counterfeiting mechanism in place that works […]

SMB Efforts to Stop Counterfeiting

Did you know that billions of dollars are lost every year because of counterfeiting? Were you also aware that close to 22 percent of all clothing and footwear that is sold globally is actually counterfeit? Counterfeiting is a global problem, and it requires concentrated efforts from both manufacturers as well as governments of all countries […]