More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Get the Advantage of Optimized Supply Chain Management Solutions

Most enterprises have understood that supply chain solutions are essentially uncertain because their performance cannot be predicted. For instance there may be eventual delays owing to goods being damaged during travel, there may be unforeseen delays for shipments etc. Such unexpected delays can take enterprises by surprise and it may be quite some time before […]

Smart Surveillance for a Secure Business

Protection and security has always been the first priority in commercial undertakings. There is no control on the number of customers and the types that visit your shops, business establishments and offices daily. Commercial areas are favorite hunting grounds for criminals searching for an easy and vulnerable victim. There is no way you can differentiate […]

Making your Supply Chain Business Befitting for Global Ranking

Supply chain optimization is the pre-requisite for all business though it can be quite an intimidating and apprehensive task. Establishing a structured plan to handle diverse functions in a collaborative manner requires a great deal of effort and prudence. A reckless or compulsive decision can rip you apart and ruin your future. Those who are […]

New Developments in the Fight against the Grey Market

Grey goods are typically those products that have been imported or distributed without the knowledge of the legitimate manufacturer or authorized distributor. These products are typically sold at lower prices compared to their MAP agreements. Such grey products can easily erode market value and create havoc for the legitimate distribution channel. It is essentially the […]

How to Build a Barrier that Protects You from Counterfeits

A recent IAAC survey reveals that Fortune 500 companies in the USA spend an average of $2-$4 million per year to combat the problem of counterfeits. And why not? After all, counterfeiting amounts to a $1.2 trillion business. No wonder then that this illegal activity has earned the title of the crime of the 21st […]