More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Key Benefits of Virtualization Solutions

Many autonomous virtual operating systems running on a single computer is known as Virtualization. It capitalizes on the use of physical resources thereby making it an ideal resolution for applications that are moderately small in terms of usage. Owing to the large selection of virtualization solutions businesses are able to optimally utilize them, even though […]

Cosmetic Packaging for Skin Care Products

Skin care products are in great demand as more people are becoming extremely conscious about their. Hence, they are in search of that ever-elusive skin product that makes them not only look younger and more attractive but also makes their skin soft, supple, and radiant. After being bombarded with countless ads everyday showing glamorous young […]

How Different is Cosmetic Packaging for Organic Products?

Today people are becoming more health conscious and have come to understand that health is true wealth for every individual. Hence, more and more people are adopting a healthier lifestyle free of chemicals and toxins. At a time when toxins and chemicals are a fact of life, the only way to make a toxin-free, chemical-free […]

Call to Action: Tackling the Grey Market Intelligently

With 200 million pages on the World Wide Web, tackling the business of counterfeiting and grey market commerce is not easy. But it needs to be done because many manufacturers deal with problems like brand infringement, burgeoning counterfeits, grey market sales, etc. Online auction sites are probably the biggest drivers of grey market activities and […]

Stop Brand Counterfeiting from Hurting Your Bottom-Line

Counterfeiting is a $1.2 trillion business Channel violations can cost manufacturers close to $350 million per year 10% of all products are counterfeits Counterfeiting is a grave issue as these statistics exhibit, and it is no wonder then that it has received the rather infamous label of being the crime of the 21st century. Counterfeiting […]