More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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The Importance of Cosmetic Packaging

Today the cosmetic industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. People now not only want to be beautiful but feel it and flaunt it as well. With customers being very particular about their looks and the way they carry themselves, cosmetic manufacturers have started giving great attention to the packaging of cosmetic products. The Importance of […]

Desktop Virtualization is Not VDI

The need for cost-effective, flexible and manageable desktop computing solutions resulted in the emergence of VDI, which provides desktop images in a virtualized environment from a centralized hosting server. The VDI, or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, provides complete control to the end user, thereby facilitating a rich user experience. This technology has helped reduce operational costs […]

Maximize Your ROI with the Best Brand Protection

Eleven percent of the world’s clothing and footwear are fakes! Luxury product manufacturers suffer the most, with counterfeiters targeting their goods by copying their packaging, logos and sometimes even targeting their distributor channels. Why should your brand suffer because of such illegal activity? Why should you let someone else walk away with your hard earned […]

Electronic Discovery for Enterprises

Enterprises reliance upon electronic communications continues to grow with increased amounts of information being shared via e-mail. Estimates show that 80% of this information is stored as unstructured data. The data must now be stored for longer periods of time and newer regulatory compliance rules dictate how the information should be stored and managed. This […]

REO vs. Foreclosure: Differences, Benefits & Limitations

‘REO’ and ‘foreclosure’ are two terms you may commonly come across when you are in the market for a new home. These terms are often used interchangeably or mistaken to mean the same thing, but they are essentially different by definition. REO is the acronym for Real Estate Owned and refers to property that has […]