More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Services Offered By Biometrics Companies

Biometrics is one of the many prominent verticals in the science, medical and technology industry and has been present for approximately 20 years. Its size is calculated to be about one billion Euros. In the recent past inquiries and concerns with regards to automatic people recognition have been gaining attention and both technicians and scientists are delving […]

Leveraging the SEZ Benefits in India

Special Economic Zone (SEZ) policy in India was declared for the first time in 2005. This act later got amended in 2006 and 2007. SEZ is taken as one of India’s growth-oriented legislations to increase foreign direct investment into the country and encourage public-private partnership to establish global standards in technology, exports and infrastructure. The […]

Advanced Anti-Phishing Tools Always Ensure Proactive Protection for Your Business

IT security is of prime importance and is a critical issue to handle in businesses today and it remains vulnerable to various kinds of attacks. Phishing has been a key contributor to the increasing number of security breach incidents in recent times. This has led to organizations developing specific control measures to control these attacks. […]

Contribution of CRO’s in Clinical Research Management

Today clinical research management has become an exceptional discipline in the medical science domain. Clinical research application of scientific methods to human health is known as clinical trial or research management. Downside this procedure are its side effects that at times is adverse but most of the times beneficial. Furthermore, huge capital investments are required to fund […]

Compelling Storage Server Solutions for All Data Centre Applications

Run with the help of a server system, a storage server is where all data is stored and maintained. Being a critical asset to the success of your business, the conventional server is configured to perform multiple functions. The conventional server is usually configured to execute several functions, while the storage server on the other […]