More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Safeguarding Yourself from Phishing Attacks

IT security is one of the major concerns amidst multiple organizations and businesses. With all the technological advancements and innovative applications, internet still is vulnerable to vicious attacks.  In addition to that, the social engineering attacks today have heightened the rate of third party attacks to internet security. One of the common threats faced by […]

Sourcing Supply Chain Management Solutions

Simply put, supply chain management is a business practice with an objective to enhance the manner in which an organization or business sources its raw materials and delivers it to its end users.  Whether it is a service or product offered by a business there are actually multiple business entities that are involved in various […]

Unleashing the Power of Innovation in Educational Sector

Nothing possibly moves faster than a thought or an idea. A creative thought or an idea when managed and executed appropriately leads to complete enterprise development and sets a benchmark for future innovation. In the recent past, global academic institutions have been using innovative idea management methods to generate intellectual growth and expansion. These mostly […]

Prevent Manufacture of Counterfeit Automotive Parts

Trendy and comfortable automobiles for families, chic sports cars for the uber-rich, and a whole range of options are available in the automotive market. The models, price range and features are endless. But when parts need to be replaced in these cars how many people are actually buying a genuine product? Over the years there […]

The Need for Enterprise Compliance Management

In today’s technology era, globalization has helped enterprises spread their wings.  While being challenged to stay ahead in the competition, these enterprises also need to conform to the rules and regulations prevalent in various regions and locations. Compliance to the regulatory requirements is achieved through various strategies, contracts and policies. However, in the present day […]