More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Secure Your Company from Phishing Attacks

Simply using the computer for your official or individual purpose is not all that is there to your computer. For that matter, if you think that installing an anti-virus is all that you need to do for security, then there is more for you to learn. It is crucial that you know through fraudulent mails […]

Anti-Phishing Software – A Phishing Safety Valve

The cybercriminals business models have recently moved on to low-volume targeted phishing attacks. With e-mails being the major attack vector, such attacks are going up both in their frequency as well as in their financial impact on certain esteemed organization. Furthermore, the business activities caused by sophisticated targeted attacks are also increasing rapidly. The financial […]

Do Innovative Brands Spell Better Success

With companies spending a great deal of time on new and creative ideas, innovation has certainly become the future of business. Innovation creates success and one of the keys to being successful is being innovative in your business. It’s no surprise then, that a new survey released by PwC finds that 75% of 226 CEOs […]

Successful Drive to Curb Counterfeiting and Gray Market Operations

Revenue losses in business can be caused due to several reasons but counterfeiting and gray market sales top the list. If you encounter some losses due to an error or a misinterpretation of the market statistics you can still hope to recover your losses. But losses caused due to counterfeiting and gray markets are irrecoverable. […]

Implement IT compliance frameworks to Secure Your Organization

Security Compliance has become one of the most important drivers of data security spending today. This is due to the increasing number of regulatory norms imposed on companies to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of vital information assets. Most Organizations today depend on their ability to induct the latest technologies, to work more competently. […]