More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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SEZ Benefits

The government of India launched the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) scheme in 2000 with the aim of augmenting exports. They realized that in order to encourage foreign direct investment there is the need to provide a business atmosphere that is internationally competitive as well as hassle free. Hence, as part of the SEZ scheme enclaves […]

Comprehensive Aerospace Engineering Solutions for Top-Quality Results

With the competition in the aviation industry growing there is tremendous challenge being faced as the aerospace manufacturing businesses are struggling to enhance their profits while also delivering quality products. Aerospace manufacturing and engineering requires a lot of precision and hence requires intense calculation and planning is needed to deliver the necessary accurate results. Apart […]

Attain Engineering Accuracy with Precision Machining

Precision machining is an important manufacturing procedure that helps to attain high dimensional accuracy and high surface integrity of operational constituents for multiple technological applications, for instance those in biomedical, aeronautical, meteorological, mechanical, nano-technological, mechatronic and microscopy industries. In order to attain a satisfactory level in precision machining operation, one needs to have a clear […]

Scientific Developments in Biometrics

In simple terms, biometrics technology is based on the identification of individuals by behavioral or physical characteristics. Instances of such physical characteristics recognition includes face, iris, fingerprints and hand geometry. Behavioral characteristics on the other hand can include signature, voice, walking gait and other dynamics. Recently, there have been numerous contributions done in the field […]

Combat Loud Noise Background with Safety Earplugs

Owing to the rapid pace of industrialization and its related construction activities, high noise has become an acute concern. Prominent examples of such high noise areas are noted in road works and demolition activities, noisy factory world and other loud ambiances. Therefore, it is essential that individuals should use advanced safety ear plugs and other high end […]