More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Selecting an Apt Data Center Solution

Many organizations are gradually realizing the utilities and benefits of data center have in the modern day business scenario. It has much more to offer than mere storage servers and other network equipments. Today majority of consumers are utilizing multiple software and data center solutions to fulfill critical mission objectives. Therefore, the data security is […]

Advanced Social Media Analytics for Smarter Operating Decisions

The  emergence of a technologically networked world has made social networking sites very popular.  Social networking sites paves the way for small and medium business houses as well as   corporate sectors involved e-commerce to establish contacts and enlarge their network through personal contacts. This further ensures a wider audience for their marketing campaigns.   However, […]

Developments in Biometrics Services

Identity seems to acquire greater importance when it is weak. This apparent paradox has been the debating point on identity in recent times. Conventionally, identity verification was always based on the approval of biographical and attributed features. Post the small and large scale societies, industrial societies; globalization presents the third era of personal identification. It […]

Phishing Awareness to Help Your Employees Combat the Threats Effectively

You may have the best technological tools to drive your business operations. You also may have the most proficient employees that can guarantee you with immense success with their expertise. But if you have weak and ineffective security measures all the advanced tools and the efforts of your employees will go to waste and your […]

Invest In Social Media Analytics Tools

Go back by five to seven years and who could imagine that mere chatting or exchanging views would acquire such a great potential. So much so, that this very process today is streamlined and is officially termed as social media interactions. The advent of numerous networking channels and websites such as Twitter, FaceBook, Stumple Upon […]