More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Ear Plugs to Facilitate Easy Communication in High Noise Environments

Working in high noise environment can have a severely damaging effect on your ears. Work place noise is major health hazard. Continued exposure to high noise levels can result in permanent hearing damage, which is why there are strict regulations for the mandatory wearing of hearing protection. It is important that organizations take into account […]

A Staunch Temperament with the Anti Phishing Tools

Different online risks are on the rise ready to incapacitate your business permanently. If you do not heed to the warnings in advance there is very little chance of survival. The risks today are potentially malevolent compared to the earlier ones. Phishing attacks are common in the web world and they do not target specific […]

Effectively Counter Threat to Information with the Right Solution

Information Security Threat management is a challenge for any organization. Information Technology has become an inherent and essential component of business.Digitized information stored in the corporate IT infrastructure today, perhaps, never has an exception. Personal staff details, client lists, salaries, bank account details, marketing and sales information, technology innovations, may all be stored ina database. […]

Emergence of HITECH and Its Clauses

In simple terms, HITECH is nothing but HIPAA made strict and strong. HIPAA known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was established 1996. Every health organization has to adhere to it. This was introduced to safeguard health insurance rights of workers. Concerns with HIPAA The problem with HIPAA compliance was the broad interpretation […]

Manage Vendors for Effective Threat Management and Business Continuity

Technological growth has created a dynamic business environment with data and information travelling across geographical boundaries through the networking systems that connect desktops, handheld electronic communication devices, and other smaller electronic devices. However, information and data which is available on the corporate database relates mostly to organizations client database, staffing information, sales and market strategies, […]