More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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A Peek into Special Economic Zones

A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) refers to a geographical region within a nation where the economic and financial laws enforced in other parts of the nation are either suspended or relaxed so that the laws are more free-market-oriented. This special zone is more like a foreign territory that not only benefits from tax exemptions and […]

How to Make Compliance Management More Effective In your Organization?

An effective compliance management while meeting the requirements as regulated by Law or Standards must ensure information security through a consistent practice of proven techniques to remain secure continuously. Continuously evolving technologies and innovative attempts to impinge the security are challenges that organizations need to grapple with. Here are a few ways that an organization […]

Changing Social Gaming Market Trends

It has been estimated that over the next 12 months, the social gaming market is bound to evolve and grow. However, this trend was not a hard one to predict considering the number of social gamers the like of Farmville, Playfish and Zynga has generated in these few years. 2012 thus is being considered as […]

Maximizing Potentials in Business for Increased Returns

There has been a rapid development in business operations due to advanced technologies. The current environment is dynamic and unpredictable. Along with the increasing advantages the risks are also high, and the challenges overwhelming. You have to implement intelligent and practical practices to survive the volatile circumstances and demonstrate your true strengths. Poor performance deliveries, […]

Effect of Grey Market Sales on Manufacture’s Bottom Line

Innovations in technology, marketing strategy, globalization and business expansion are all aimed at increasing the organization’s net earnings or net income. Referred to generally as the ‘bottom line’ this includes all actions that affect the overall profit of the organizations. Enterprises, big or small follow the same business tactics and aim to improve the bottom […]