More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Call Tracking Metrics Insights

Do you ever wonder which call metrics are important to watch and what they actually mean?  Listening to call recordings is often the best way to gather the most information, but here are a few at-a-glance metrics to give you a basic idea of what’s happening with your calls. Call Date/Time – The date and […]

Making an Indelible Impression with the Supply Chain Process

A business can achieve success when all the interlinked processes run efficiently and produce optimum results. Although this task is difficult the objectives can be fulfilled with a pragmatic approach. Your business is a combination of varied processes that can deliver some amazing results if its potentials are maximized. The biggest concern in a business […]

How To Maximize Team Collaboration with the Enterprise Microblogging Software?

The most important requisite in a business operation is synchronization. Distributed teams with individual goals and methodologies, lack of compatibility, and lack of collaboration amongst the various teams are the ground realities that exist in every business organization. Dissatisfactory outputs are therefore not a surprise at all. Projects are allocated to teams without assessing the […]

Brand Protection: Safeguarding Global Organizations the Techno-Savvy Way

Brand’ as defined by the American Marketing Association is a “Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.” It can take in any form including color combination and slogan. Though initially meant for identifying and differentiating a product, over the years this   stands […]

Corporate Tax Preparation & Its Service Providers

The present nature of the corporate tax environment has a degree of uncertainty. Any uncertainty in the tax law can set up scopes for planning but can also create challenges in compliance. In order to estimate compliance responsibilities and implications revolving around business dealings, enterprises employ internal tax specialists or they might hire external advisory […]