More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Anti Phishing Software to protect against Sophisticated Phishing Attacks

Phishing refers to the social engineering tactics used to acquire sensitive details like passwords, usernames, credit card details, social security numbers, and bank account numbers from people. Phishing is of different types such as spear phishing, clone phishing, rock phishing, whaling and so on. The phishers trick people to divulge their most closely guarded details […]

Modern Day Online Language Translation Solutions

With the vast expanse of the web today, users expect more social, online and instant interaction in their native languages. This new and challenging networking and communication dynamics is urging enterprises to address numerous kinds of communication modes. In order to globalize business, entrepreneurs and business persons require advanced translation technology that can provide essential […]

Meritorious HR Management Strategies that Deliver Outstanding Results

Human resource is an investment that you can capitalize on. Taking the responsibility of employees is the duty of every business but this rarely happens. The human resource issues are ubiquitous. In every part of the world there is a constant tug of war between the employees and employers. The employers are reluctant to provide […]

Overview of Clinical Trail Phases

To explain in simplest terms, clinical trials are set up in a way to assess the methods and procedures that offers new treatment effectively and safely to patients. Advanced machines and scientific technologies are the outcome of innovative approaches and ideas that have been developed through research. The new treatments must prove to be safe […]

Insightful Practices to Alleviate Storage Server Concerns

The increasing customer demands are an acid test for every business. Developing OEM appliances and custom computers may seem like a gargantuan task that involves a good share of risks, losses and extra costs. This means that you need powerful tools with intelligent and powerful capabilities that can provide a pliable platform for favorable returns. […]