More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Smart Social Media Analytics for Pertinent Business Decisions

Social media networks like Facebook and Twitter have become immensely popular due to the unrestrained facility of establishing contacts and enlarging the personal network. These platforms help in conveying messages to a wider audience through effective viral marketing campaigns. Although you are exposed to a greater number you have to find a way to evaluate the […]

Compelling Customer Engagement Strategies with the Social Media Analytics Tools

Survival in the present business environment is very painful. You have to be constantly alert to identify prospective opportunities and maximize it for your benefit. You have to be prepared to incorporate the changes in your business policies so that you encounter positive gains. It is obvious that you need strong support to achieve your […]

Avionics and Its Industry Trends

The term “Avionics” is used for describing all electronic devices and systems that are used for artificial satellites, aircrafts and spacecrafts. The domain comprises of navigation, communication, the management and display of various systems and the numerous systems that are fitted to the aircraft to cater to specific roles. This ranges from being simple devices […]

Effective Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering for Compelling Results

The development in the aviation industry has brought about positive changes in the aerospace engineering businesses. There has been tremendous competition in the aviation industry with the surge in travel and its expansive use for military operations. Being a complex are, aerospace engineering requires superior and sophisticated tools and policies for the designing and development […]

How do I “meaningfully use electronic medical records” and get federal grants for the same?

The growing IT security concerns have spurred a campaign for effectively utilizing the federal grants in HIPAA/HITECH compliance. This campaign has received good response from healthcare organizations in gearing up to adopt new and improved security policies. The time is right for your healthcare organization to demonstrate responsible actions so that you qualify for the […]