More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Tapping the Full Potential of Business Social Networking

Internet today seems to be incomplete without mentioning the term “social media” along with it. Undoubtedly social media is one of the innovative things that has happened as a concept to internet. It not only caters to social interactions but also has proven to be beneficial in performing online trade and commerce. Today, internet marketing […]

The Electrical Estimating Software Gives you Reasons to Celebrate

It is a nightmare for electrical contractors every time they prepare submittals. They have to go through endless paper catalogs and websites of manufacturers to find items, compare the prices and make estimates and bids resulting in wastage of time and money. Every minute of your time is precious. This is an age where you […]

Electrical Contractor Tools: Innovative Tools for the New Age Electrician

The technologically enabled world cannot definitely do without an electrician. They are the tradespersons on whom the world depends upon for any electrical and electronic components, its installations and maintenance, and is the vital link to maintain today’s business continuity irrespective of the industry sector. The professional who maintain, design and install electrical wirings of […]

OEM manufacturer: Maintaining Quality And Reliability in A Competitive Era

The industrial growth is driven by technological innovations at the demand for change from customers and business environment.  Change is very vital for the survival of any organization in a global environment and more so for the original equipment manufacturers who are into production of components for use in other products and machines. As the […]

Benefits of Fiber Optics over Conventional Copper Wires

Advancement in technology has seen fiber optics replacing copper wire as an appropriate means of communication signal transmission.  Though the cable technology “linked” us previously, the innovative fiber technology is taking it forward and is progressively substituting the copper wires as a communication medium. A fiber-optic system is similar to the copper wire system the […]