More About the Author "Rob987"

Author Nick: Rob987

Articles by Rob987 :

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The Different Motivations And benefits Of Yoga

There are many different reasons for taking up and practising Yoga. For one person they may be ill and looking to rejuvenate themselves. Another will want to maintain and improve their current level of health. Some people like the mental challenge…and for some it is a physical challenge that can be overcome. Some people may […]

Frequently Asked Questions about Pre Natal Yoga.

When you are pregnant everyone has an opinion and an important skill to learn early on in the pregnancy is to be able to listen to these opinions, comment politely and then make up your own mind. There are as many different ways of having and raising children as there are children, and once your […]

Using Yoga for Weigh loss

In today’s society carrying excess weight is becoming the norm rather than the exception. Lifestyles are increasingly sedentary, peoples diet is becoming increasingly processed and fatty and food contains more and more calories, additives and preservatives. Children prefer television over playing with their friends, which is perhaps a direct reflection on parents who prefer television […]

The Universal Appeal of Yoga

Yoga has been practiced for 400 years and is a system of exercises which are very easy and effective at increasing a persons overall health ad well-being. Yoga instructors and students alike will often talk about phrases like “being in harmony with oneself and surroundings” and indeed this is a primary goal of Yoga, to […]

4 Secrets To Finding The Right Beginner Yoga Class For You

When you are new to Yoga you are probably going to be uncertain as to what to expect when you first enter a beginner Yoga Class on your first day. Most people are uncertain about what they should even be looking for in a beginner Yoga class, so this article will let you in on […]