More About the Author "RobertSiciliano"

Author Nick: RobertSiciliano
Name: Robert Siciliano
About the Author: ROBERT SICILIANO, CEO of is fiercely committed to informing, educating, and empowering Americans so they can be protected from violence and crime in the physical and virtual worlds. His “tell it like it is” style is sought after by major media outlets, executives in the C-Suite of leading corporations, meeting planners, and community leaders to get the straight talk they need to stay safe in a world in which physical and virtual crime is commonplace. Siciliano is accessible, real, professional, and ready to weigh in and comment at a moment’s notice on breaking news.

Articles by RobertSiciliano :

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Check Out These Hurricane Prep Apps

Hurricane Irene whacked the east coast over two weeks ago and people are still pumping out. Roads are still messed up and life has changed for many. My property was in the path, although she went a little west of me so I was spared any damage. But if she did head a little east […]

Nicolas Cage’s First Hand Home Invasion Experience

Apparently Nicolas Cage at one time didn’t believe in home security systems. He recently filmed a film called “Trespass” about thieves’ who con their way into the opulent mansion where Cage’s character lives with his unhappy wife (played by Nicole Kidman) and their daughter, Reuters reports. The tagline for the title is: “When terror is […]

Celine Dions Burglar Takes a Bath

The burglar apparently sauntered up her driveway and jiggled the door of an unlocked car in the driveway. The door was open and of course the keys were in the ignition along with the garage door opener. This was all the burglar needed to open the door, head inside and make himself a tasty snack […]

Online Auto Sales Often Involve Scary Scams

Online auction and classifieds websites are unwittingly participating in car sale scams. Ads gain credibility by appearing on eBay, Craigslist, and other online automobile sales websites, but some are either completely phony or have been copied and pasted from other websites. The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center received nearly 14,000 complaints from 2008 through 2010, from […]

82 Year Old Man Shoots Burglars, Faces Charges

Guns, guns, guns. Americans love their guns. Guns definitely are a layer of security. They can save your life and they can also be used against you and they can also get you in lots and lots of trouble. An elderly man is now facing two counts of armed assault with intent to murder, two […]