More About the Author "rsaturday"

Author Nick: rsaturday

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What Is The Lemon Detox Diet?

I am sure you have heard of the lemon detox diet. Even though lemon detoxing has been practiced for centuries, it is just now beginning to be recognized for its worth to human health. It has come full-circle and now everyone is flocking to the Internet to find out all about this diet. So what […]

Feeling Great And Losing Weight Starts Here

A lot of people are having trouble when it comes to their weight and if you are one of them, then I bet that you know more than anyone writing about weight loss articles, how it really feels to be overweight and how much this problem has taken a toll on your life. If you […]

Six Reasons Calory Counting Doesn’t Work

Whenever you think of fat loss the first thing that pops into peoples heads is cutting down on your daily calories, counting how many calories you’ve had in one day and hell looking at the guidelines the government has given you. Now this article will tell you how calorie counting is in fact rubbish and […]

Does The Lemon Cleanse Actually Work?

Does the lemonade cleanse work? Yes it does! This article explains FAQ’s from people who are interested to know about this amazing cleanse, what it does and if they should do it. The lemonade cleanse has been around for awhile and has been used by some of the healthiest people in the world. The lemonade […]

Lose Weight Fast With A Lemonade Detox

Look at weight loss ads, they show how much weight you can lose, they don’t tell how long it takes to lose it. Do you ever notice this in the add, “results not typical”, then what results are typical? It takes 8 weeks typically to lose 10lbs. on one of these diets, why not just […]