More About the Author "rtistree"

Author Nick: rtistree
Name: Rtis tree
About the Author: Rtistree is the best online music store and social networking community for independent music artists that offers an opportunity to sell music to other supporting artists and fans.

Articles by rtistree :

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The New Era’s Digital Music Distribution Channel

The music industry has progressed radically due to technological advancement throughout the last decade. This has resulted in the decrement in numbers of mainstream cassette and CD stores. People increasingly prefer to buy music from the Music Websites. The trend of digital downloads has significantly crushed the sales in the music stores. The popularity of […]

Internet Networking Can Do Wonders for Music

How do you go about creating a music website? There are many ways by which you can do so. The first one is basically a single page, on which one can feed multiple widgets. There are many websites where one can upload original content. After it is being uploaded, you have the choice to give […]