More About the Author "samjere18"

Author Nick: samjere18
Name: sam jere
About the Author: For many new inventors, one of the biggest steps to product release is a good industrial design service. Bringing the invention to life is the job of the product designers.

Articles by samjere18 :

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Consumer Sports Product Design

Designing and developing products is one of the most old fashioned and straightforward business models out there. It is also one of the most interesting and fun ways to create something new and of value that you can feel proud to sell and that you can make money from. This is inventing and creating in […]

Industrial Product Design

Industrial product design means turning a great invention into a real product that can be produced en-masse and that means that you can make a profit from it, find fame from it, or just use it yourself to your benefit. There are many great advantages to being able to turn something abstract in your mind […]

Industrial Product Designers

Designing a new invention is one of the most rewarding, useful and ingenious ways to earn money and in many cases it can also be one of the very most profitable. Designing a new invention means finding a niche, finding a gap, or finding a need. In other words you look at day to day […]

Industrial Design for New Inventions

So you’ve got a great new invention that’s going to change the world and/or make you incredibly rich? The question now is what do you do with that great idea and how do you take it from an abstract concept floating around inside your skull into something that you can sell to others on a […]