More About the Author "sandersmach"

Author Nick: sandersmach
Name: Sanders Mach
About the Author: Author

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Why Some States Have Higher Long Term Care Insurance Premiums

Different reasons can be attributed to the ever-changing rates of long term care insurance premiums by state. One of them is the cost of care and second is the mentality of the residents. People who reside in U.S. states that have higher long term care (LTC) costs naturally pay higher premiums for their long term […]

Getting the Latest News in Long Term Care

Every day, newspapers, television and the Internet serve fresh long term care news. In spite of this, many people can’t have enough and still crave for more information about long term care (LTC). Are the reports really insufficient? Or could it be that the public has not heard or read what they have been aspiring […]

Think Before Buying Long Term Care Insurance Policies

Buying a long term care insurance (LTCI) policy is a sure-fire way to protect your finances from the cost of care. Long term care policies, however, are not like any commodity in the market which you can replace anytime or give away. Once you affix your signature on your policy it becomes your personal property […]

Racing with the Cost of Long Term Care

Nowadays, Americans are more worried about long term care costs rather than the housing market. Why, they can park their trailers anywhere for as long as these bear registered number plates but they cannot avail long term care (LTC) if they don’t have at least $500,000 put away in their savings account. On average, people […]

Who Needs Long Term Care in North Carolina?

Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia is the main cause of death in North Carolina. In fact, the elderly population with Alzheimer’s is expected to grow up to 210,000 14 years from now according to the statistics of elderly care specialists, thus North Carolina long term care is an important area to look into. […]