More About the Author "sankilinkon"

Author Nick: sankilinkon
Name: sanki linkon
About the Author: sanki linkon is a renowned yoga expert who offers yoga lessons online. In this article he discussed the various postures of Yoga For Meditation, especially the benefits of Bikram yoga .

Articles by sankilinkon :

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Pleasure Of Working In Photo Slideshow Software

People are memory lovers. We strive to store our favorite moments for instance like first day in class, graduation day, married life day or joyful moments with mates and closer acquaintances. Previously there were paper pictures which were positioned in albums but this became pretty inconvenient to hold or even to show others. The development […]

Where To Find Your Dream Mov Editor

A film is incomplete without editing or what is called ‘director’s cut’. Editing is a combined work of art, skill and practice. This art can be made better with the right choice of software. Hence, we are pleased to introduce mov editor. Mov editor is a software used to edit mov videos files. With the […]

Learn Yoga Online

Yoga classes, traditionally, are interactive sessions where the master (or the guru) demonstrates various poses and breathing techniques. The pupils or students and the master operate together – either in the open or in a closed environment. In Yoga for beginners online, the classes generally commence with simple breathing techniques and simple stretching of various […]

Value Of Yoga For Children

How can just a “Om” gives me peace? Your child was not enjoying her yoga school and not getting any reason of practicing yoga. I am all fit and fine, not a fat child that I have to go to yoga class. You tried a lot of times to explain her on the importance of […]

Meditation for Beginners and Yoga for Children

Yoga is an ancient Indian art of performing exercises to bring in total balance of the mind body and soul. Yoga has been considered extremely helpful for children to bring in total balance and control restlessness, sharpen memory and even help in achieving a complete soothing of the nerves. Yoga for children is considered to […]
