More About the Author "sanyuktajain"

Author Nick: sanyuktajain
Name: Sanyukta Jain
About the Author: I love travelling and sharing my experiences through articles.

Articles by sanyuktajain :

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Unwind the Heritage of India with Golden Triangle

India’s charm has always allured people from all over the world. It is a favorite hot spot for all the globetrotters. The rich cultural heritage and ethnic diversity had made this country colorful and rich. Astounding India is a land of magic and animated colors. While planning your holidays in India you can choose from […]

Two Popular Himalayan Destinations

To feel the adventure and discover the beauty of nature in the foothills of the Himalayas, come for a tour of the Himalayan region. The land is known as the home of the snow, mesmerizing landscapes, friendly people that make it a perfect hill destination. The vastness of the Himalayas offers many hiking trails ranging […]

The Spectacular Trio

Delhi, Agra and Jaipur are three major cities in Northern India. These historic cities are home to some of the best monuments of India and are very popular among tourists coming from all over the world to visit the county. These cities are famed for its pristine glory, reflected through its magnificent historical monuments. Trip […]

Unique Wildlife of Kerala

Rarely do great beauty and great virtue dwell together; however at Kerala which is also known as Venice of east and God’s Own Country, such blend is obvious. So if you are prepared to witness a great fusion of great beauty of nature and virtue, what could beat the Kerala wildlife tour that is so […]

The Cuisine of Goa – Another Attraction for the Tourists

Goa is one of the most beautiful states of India and is known as the beach capital of the country. The state is famous all over the world for its idyllic beaches, churches, palm trees and the wonderful local drink, Feni. But few know that this small state by sea also boasts of a lip […]