More About the Author "SAP64"

Author Nick: SAP64

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Lightbars keeping our first responders safe on our roads

Lightbars come in all sizes, profiles, flash patterns and colors. All first response vehicles will have some form of Lightbars on or in them. Lightbars are mostly made up of LED light units and these are popular for several reasons. There is no doubt that Lightbars can save lives. Without the highly visible warning sign […]

Light bars – illuminating our emergency response vehicles to keep them safe.

Light bars sounds almost like something from a Star Wars movie. They aren’t science fiction but there is science in them. Light bars today normally contain LED lights, what is LED? LED is short for light emitting diode and that does sound faintly science fiction. LED Light bars have been around some time. But the […]

A strobe light the visible warning on emergency vehicles

You may only think strobe lights are used on emergency vehicles but they are used in other areas also. strobe lights were initially used for photography purposes and indeed still are. Some alarm systems have strobe lights as visible warning, and the strobe light is used in movies in special effects. strobe lighting has been […]

Something that all first responders need light bars LED

First response vehicles need to be seen from a distance either from the rear of a vehicle or up ahead in front of an approaching vehicle. It doesn’t matter if it’s EMT personnel, police or fire fighters; their need is the same, high visibility from all directions. That’s where Light bars LED come into the […]

Many kinds of situations at home or office need an emergency light

Emergency light isn’t new. There is however a new generation of emergency light that’s incredibly bright, very visible in all weather situations and lighting conditions. The modern LED emergency light units are lighting up our world and it’s not difficult to understand why. We have emergency light in our workplaces. You may not know it […]