More About the Author "SAP64"

Author Nick: SAP64

Articles by SAP64 :

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LED Light Bars and its many uses

This article looks at LED Light Bars and their application in the world of lighting. This article will specifically look in to their uses in home lighting, emergency lighting, police vehicle lighting as well as club lighting. LED Light Bars are the newest innovation in the world of lighting and has played a major role […]

Emergency lights and their purpose

This article will look at the different types of emergency lights and the purpose they serve during main power interruption. I will also discuss the history of emergency lights as well as the different lights that are being used today and their individual effectiveness. emergency lights are lights that are designed to come on automatically […]

Dash lights for Police Vehicles

Dash lightshave become synonymous with policing and this article will explore the reasons for this. The main objective of this article is to briefly look at the available Dash lightsthat are used by law enforcement as well as give ideas on some of the best quality Dash lightsavailable in the market today. Dash lightsare a […]

Common uses of Sirens

This article has been tasked with revealing the types of sirens that are most commonly used, as well as looking into the different tones of sirens and what they might indicate. This article will also briefly describe the history of sirens as well as appreciate their development over the years. sirens have come a long […]

Applications of the siren

This article is about the siren, an invention that changed how we are made aware of emergencies. This article will touch on some of the many uses of the siren as well as its history. Some of the uses briefly touched on are emergency service vehicles, to warn against air raids and tornado sirens. A […]