More About the Author "Schew Maker"

Author Nick: schewmaker
Name: Schew Maker
About the Author: This is Schew Maker, a SE Optimizer having 2.5 year experience.

Articles by Schew Maker :

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The Stress of Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Many Americans understand what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck. The worry, stress and anxiety of wondering if they are going to be able to pay all their bills on time, if they’ll have enough money for groceries or even extra cash to buy their kids new clothing. This worry, stress and anxiety impacts […]

Debt Management Plan: What’s It All About?

If you struggle with severe debt, there is a debt management plan that you may qualify for. These plans are designed to help you with outstanding debt. You pay off this debt through payments each month that are reasonable and they are paid through an agency that you work with. Once you have made that […]

How to Create a Debt Management Plan

Creating a debt management plan is one of the most important things that you can do to secure your financial future. Unfortunately, many people ignore debts that build up and wait until it is too late to deal with them. That leads to an enormous stack of bills, late fees, non-payment penalties, bounced checks, and […]

Is Debt Ruining Your Life?

Debt has been a curse to many Americans, especially since the economy bottomed out, the cost of living went through the roof and good paying jobs met the same fate as the dinosaurs, even for those who have working experience and a decent education. Aggravation and frustration greet people each morning and there seems to […]

Debt Management: Taking Control of Your Life Again

More and more people are being bombarded with collection calls and finding themselves in debt every day. If you’re one of them, there are a few easy steps you can take that can help turn the tables, and debt management can help you take control of your life once again. Step One: You need to […]