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Author Nick: sdbsdb

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Yeast flocculation effect of external factors and control measures

1. Flocculation of yeast on Beer Production and quality Yeast flocculation on the beer Wine Production and quality are manifold, including yeast recycling; beer fermentation rate and fermentation degree; beer clarifying and filtration; beer flavor, etc.. 2. Affect yeast flocculation of external factors 2.1 malt Recent study showed that malt contains a premature flocculation (PYF) […]

HID Ballast Lin O Tc stability and development in quality in

The growth of enterprises generally have rules to follow, from early exploration to the development of natural evolution, and gradually grow, to transcend its present size, into large enterprises. Indeed, by the way of any enterprise, the process can not be separated from small to big. In the automotive supplies industry, people say that electronic […]

Sichuan: Home appliances going to win the praise of the rural consumer

Home appliances to the countryside Is a strong agriculture and benefit farmers, promote domestic consumption, and promote the production of an important measure, national home appliances to the countryside of Sichuan as the first batch of pilot provinces, since the inception last year, driven by government at all levels, achieved remarkable results, effectively facilitate and […]

Wu wei

Origins In the traditional (partly Confucian) Chinese understanding of governance, a prince has only to sit at the right place, facing south, with a prince’s traditional attributes, and his country will be well governed. In Lun Yu II.1., Confucius compares a virtuous prince to the North Pole in which he finds himself: he does not […]

Su Ning: "Fighting Fat Urumqi" rushing Northwest Market

     Just over a year ago, home appliances giant Suning On many occasions, showing "soldiers made in Urumqi," the situation. The news is true? Suning in the end when it settled in Urumqi? Stationed in the capital for news of Suning, February 13, Suning Appliance Headquarters, the head of marketing department conducted a telephone interview. […]