More About the Author "sdbsdb"

Author Nick: sdbsdb

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Touch switch

Types There are two types of switches called touch switches: Capacitance touch switch A capacitance switch needs only one electrode to function. The electrode can be placed behind a non-conductive panel such as wood, glass, or plastic. The switch works using body capacitance, a property of the human body that gives it great electrical characteristics. […]

Urban agriculture

History of urban agriculture Community wastes were used in ancient Persia to feed urban farming. In Machu Picchu water was conserved and reused as part of the stepped architecture of the city and vegetable beds were designed to gather sun in order to prolong the growing season. Victory gardens sprouted during WWI, WWII and were […]

Jiffy steamer

Origins and product line development The company was organized in 1940 when the Model J-1 hat steamer was first patented. At the time, wearing hats was fashionable, such as fedoras, and the common way of retaining a hat’s shape, called stretching, shaping and blocking, was to place them over a steaming kettle of water. The […]

Venetian glass

History of Murano Glassmaking Venitian glass with enamel decoration derived from Islamic technique and style. Circa 1330. Goblet, 1675-1725, Venice V&A Museum no. 108-1853 Venetian glass in the shop window. Murano reputation as a center for glassmaking was born when the Venetian Republic, fearing fire and destruction to the city mostly wood buildings, ordered the […]

A Chinese government is expected to break the Western monopoly current

Recently, the world's first specialized treatment Influenza A H1N1 influenza Of Traditional Chinese medicine Available, this medicine is named "Golden Flower clear sense of party", it is up to 7 months after our country's scientific research and scientific research in Beijing 10 million R & D investment after the final out, the investment adviser Medicine […]