More About the Author "sdbsdb"

Author Nick: sdbsdb

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Use of renewable energy for Euro 5 emission standards for outboard engines have

From the 19th century is subject to the technical bottleneck of external-combustion engine technology in Shanghai and get a breakthrough, the United States alone can change the current model developing small and medium business pattern. According to 711 revealed that the self-developed 50 kW-class "external combustion" engine-related projects recently approved by experts, will be applied […]

Comparison of Germany and the United States two days light and sound instrument

Anaheim United States international instruments, stage lighting and sound show and Frankfurt International instruments, stage lighting and sound show will be held in January 2006 from 19 to 22 and 2006 March 29-April 1 at . Many domestic enterprises for a considerable reputation both know how to choose the top show the confusion, the exhibition […]

China’s Shirt Industry Technology Development Trend Analysis

Man-made shirt in the design of a breakthrough on a few. Currently well-known brand men’s shirts have been more determined that these brand products and quality workmanship and foreign well-known brand is almost the same, its disadvantage lies in the design of a rather monotonous. For the little change in men’s shirts, the color of […]

Interpretation of the rapid development of the mystery Jimo Clothing

    Jimo City, Qingdao Garment, is preparing to revitalize hair with the glory of Qingdao clothing. “Instant”, “Red Collar”, “a promise”, “good in”, “Snow over” and other clothing brands too numerous to mention, showing a star-studded’s “Jimo phenomenon.” Which followed the river such as the crucian carp is like thousands of private small and medium garment […]


The Kashmiri shawl The shawls made in Kashmir occupy a pre-eminent place among textile products; and it is to them and to their imitations from Western looms that specific importance attaches. The Kashmir shawl is characterized by the elaboration of its design, in which the “cone” pattern is a prominent feature, and by the glowing […]