More About the Author "seanmartens"

Author Nick: seanmartens
Name: Sean Martens
About the Author: Writer

Articles by seanmartens :

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What to Consider in Long Term Care Insurance Policies

It is not enough to know the scope of long term care insurance policies because more than having knowledge of these products, it’s important to know which of their components determine the benefits that you will receive in the future. Private insurance companies offer different types of policies such as reimbursement, indemnity and those that […]

Buying Long Term Care Insurance at 28

According to some experts in the area of long term care insurance (LTCI) the ideal age to purchase a policy is 50 but I think otherwise. After a friend of mine broke his back in a vehicular accident and has been undergoing therapy for over a year now I realized long term care (LTC) is […]

Quality Care from the Best Resources

Having extensive knowledge in long term care costs, providers and plans makes it easier for one to determine his future healthcare needs and how much he is willing to spend to be able to acquire these. Reliable long term care resources can be gathered via online or from brick-and-mortar companies that are focused on providing […]

The Truth About Long Term Care

Long term care is a very serious topic as it affects everybody in the country and both the federal and state governments. According to a long term care research which was conducted by professionals on this field, as the number of elderly people, chronically sick and disabled individuals grow rapidly so does the cost of […]

Premiums Equate with Tax Deductions

More than 70 percent of elderly folks over the age of 65 years old will need long term care (LTC) anytime soon but only a small percentage has a concrete LTC plan. Many people still believe that they can simply sell their homes in the future should they need LTC. They’ll be getting so little […]